SYNOPSIS A documentary about John Sayles shooting the film "Casa de Los Babys" in Mexico. Shot in Acapulco, over the course of six weeks in the summer of 2002, this documentary captures the spirit of an American independent filmmaker at work and explores the themes of...
SYNOPSIS In 2001, Bruno de Almeida e Nick Sandow started a documentary project about retired fighters in New York City. For a few years they spent time at The Waterfront Crabhouse, in Long Island City, where a group of old fighters meet monthly at RING 8, a nonprofit...
SYNOPSIS Brunos' fascination with performer-musician-artist Manuel João Vieira has led him to document the artist's work over the years. With an extensive archive that ranges from the early 1980's to most-recently shot footage in 2017, a documentary is in...
SYNOPSIS Minotaur, is a work-in-progress documentary about human violence seen through the evolution of the ritual that lead to modern day bullfighting. The theme is analyzed from the inner conflict that surrounds the Portuguese bullfighting, which differs from the...