In 2001, Bruno de Almeida e Nick Sandow started a documentary project about retired fighters in New York City. For a few years they spent time at The Waterfront Crabhouse, in Long Island City, where a group of old fighters meet monthly at RING 8, a nonprofit organization founded in 1954 by ex prize-fighter Jack Grebelsky to help former professional boxers in need of financial assistance, including housing, medical care, and funeral related expenses. Boxing is the only sport in the USA where the athletes don't have insurance or pensions. Some of the fighters suffer from "punch-drunk syndrome" and most are abandoned by their promoters once past a certain age. However there is an uncanny camaraderie and love between these men and women that dedicated their lives to the art of boxing.
Work-in-progress. In 2010, Bruno edited a short version for a special screening held at the Lisbon Cinemateque. That excerpt can be seen here.
Lenny Mangiapanne, Bobby Bartels, Bobby Cassidy, Vinnie Ferguson, Emile Griffith, Vito Antuofermo, Jackie Tonawanda, Gerry Cooney, Jimmy Archer, Tony Di Biaggio.
Directed and Produced by Bruno de Almeida
in collaboration with Nick Sandow
Boxing consultant Bobby Cassidy Jr.
Editing and camera Bruno de Almeida
Sound Zetna Fuentes, Miguel Martins
Associate producers Nick Sandow, Zetna Fuentes, Bobby Cassidy Jr.
Special thanks to Lenny Mangiapanne and Ring 8
The Waterfront Crabhouse, Gleason's Gym, Brooklyn
Production Arco Films