SYNOPSIS Bennie Gaza is the owner of Cabaret Maxime, a nightclub in an old red-light district, where a group of colorful performers create musical acts, burlesque numbers and strip tease. Bennie runs the cabaret like a tight family, dealing with each artist’s unique...
SYNOPSIS Documentary about the Fado singer, CAMANÉ, in the studio as he records the album, 'Sempre de Mim,' which would go on to become his masterwork. The film examines Camané's deep relationship with his longtime composer and producer, José Mário Branco, as well as...
SYNOPSIS OPERATION AUTUMN is a feature about General Humberto Delgado assassination by the Portuguese fascist police in 1965. Based on a true story. Based on the book "Humberto Delgado, Biography of The Fearless General". 90 minutes. Color/Stereo 5.1. Portugal 2012 In...
SYNOPSIS Bobby Cassidy has done it all. The one time middleweight boxer has gone from top ranked contender to shylock, bookmaker, gambler, actor, fight trainer and world class raconteur. A deeply human portrait of a boxer with the heart of a lion who refused to give...
SYNOPSIS A feature documentary about the not-likely-legendary contemporary art group known as the ultimate post-paradoxological art statement: The Homeostetica Movement. Appearing in the Lisbon art scene in 1981, the Homeostética group was formed by six young...